IMBA hero concepts: Chen

Hello, friends of the forest! Are you ready for conversion?

Hero concepts disclaimer: Hopefully, these hero previews will make you eager to try out IMBA. 😉 but they are being presented so that we can improve on the current ideas (or pick new ones up)! Please comment or contact me by e-mail if you have any critique or suggestion about these hero concepts.

Chen, the Holy Knight

  • All neutrals’ abilities have their power increased; read this post for more details.
  • Penitence: Penitence’s bonus damage and slow increased to 16/24/32/40%. The target is also silenced for the duration.
  • Test of Faith: Minimum damage is 1 at all levels. Maximum damage increased to 400/600/800/1000. Damage is increased by 2 for point of Intelligence. Costs 100 mana.
  • Test of Faith teleport: Heroes only delay 1 second before they are teleported. 24/20/16/12 cooldown, 200/150/100/50 mana cost.
  • Holy Persuasion: Chen can control a maximum of 2/4/6/8 creeps simultaneously. Persuaded creeps gain 3/4/5/6 armor, 20/30/40/50 movespeed, and 100/200/300/400 health. Each point of Chen’s intelligence increases these bonuses by 0.1 armor, 1 movespeed, and 10 HP. Holy Persuasion costs 50 mana, and has a 25/20/15/10 seconds cooldown.
  • Hand of God: Heals heroes and creeps for 20/30/40% of their maximum health + 200/300/400 HP. Excess healing increases each target’s maximum HP for 30 seconds.
  • Aghanim’s scepter upgrade: Reduces Hand of God‘s cooldown to 30 seconds, and increases its healing by 10% + 100 HP at all levels. Chen can now dominate (any number of) ancients, and has no maximum number of dominated creeps.
  • Aghanim’s soul upgrade: Test of Faith‘s teleport component is now instant (no delay). Using it on a creep teleports it back to its original location after it has finished healing in the fountain, and doesn’t trigger the skill’s cooldown. Gives Chen a new subability, Call of the Immortal, which summons a Roshan to his position (a Roshan, not the Roshan – the original stays in his pit as normal). This instance of Roshan has no inventory and will not drop items on death. Chen can also dominate the regular Roshan when it respawns, but it will drop items normally when slain. Call of the Immortal has a 5 minute cooldown, but other than that, there’s no limit to the number of Roshans that Chen can control.

Chen is well-known to be one of only two “dedicated” junglers in the game – Enchantress being the other one (some people argue about Enigma also being a dedicated jungler, since he’s so damn good at farming neutrals, but I digress). As such, it was only natural that the Holy Knight’s skillset would revolve around dominating neutrals, and making them become an unstoppable army of death.

Penitence makes a target helpless against the coming onslaught of beasts (or any of Chen’s other allies). Test of Faith can both instagib squishy heroes, with some luck, or easily save Chen’s own team. Holy Persuasion is the Holy Knight’s bread and butter, converting creeps to his faith, and giving them some hefty bonuses for doing so. Finally, Hand of God keeps Chen’s army and team safe from harm at all times.

Aghanim’s Scepter will allow the faithful knight to convert even massively powerful ancients to his cause, while Aghanim’s soul will bring to his team the most powerful of all creatures in the world of Dota.

Beyond the normal IMBA-fying of stuff, I tried to give Chen’s skills a lower mana cost, to make him (much) less dependent on building mana items, and a manner of scaling into the lategame, through increasing his creeps’ HP, armor, and movespeed, and converting some new toys, such as ancients and Roshan.

I particularly like this version of Chen, and think he may even be too powerful for his own good; he might, for example, rush a quick Aghanim’s, and proceed to dominate masses of creeps, hiding them in his fountain. After 10 minutes or so, he can pull out his pocket army and just barrel down any lane. But then again, maybe at that point the enemy team will already be knocking on his base’s door… And hey, the man’s underpicked as is, right? Let’s give him some love! What do you think?

Farewell, Dota warriors! Until next time!

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