IMBA hero concepts: Doombringer


Hero concepts disclaimer: Hopefully, these hero previews will make you eager to try out IMBA. 😉 but they are being presented so that we can improve on the current ideas (or pick new ones up)! Please comment or contact me by e-mail if you have any critique or suggestion about these hero concepts.

Lucifer, the Doombringer

  • Renamed to Doombringer. Also known as Doom, Lucifer, or “big red guy with megazord armor and horns”.
  • Base armor increased by 1.
  • Devour: Devours creeps instantly, and costs no mana. Devoured creeps give a bonus 66 gold, and +100% experience. 46/36/26/16 second cooldown.
  • Scorched Earth: Ignites the earth in a 1000 radius. Damages and heals for 11 hp per second, and gives Doom and his minions 6% increased move and attack speed. The effect increases by +11 hp per second/6% move/attack speed increase every second, capping at 66 damage/heal per second and 66% bonus move/attack speed. Lasts for 6/8/10/12 seconds, 30 second cooldown.
  • LVL? Death: Deals a bonus 666 damage if the target’s level is divisible by 6/5/4/3, or lower than Doom’s.
  • Doom: Deals 66 pure damage per second, silences, mutes items, disables passives, and reduces base damage by 66%. Lasts for 6/12/18 seconds. Pierces spell immunity.
  • Aghanim’s scepter upgrade: Increases Doom‘s base duration by 6 seconds; Doom does not count down while in 900 range of Lucifer. LVL? Death‘s proc now deals 666 or 66% of the target’s maximum HP as damage, whichever is higher.
  • Aghanim’s soul upgrade: Doom now disarms the target, and deals 666 pure damage for 66 seconds. If a target dies while under Doom‘s effect, its cooldown is reset.

The Doombringer is a mighty hero, whose main strengths lie in its ability to quickly grow strong, through Devour, and then blast his targets to oblivion with magical damage and regular attacks. For the most hated targets, he reserves his Doom spell, a veritable death sentence for most heroes in Dota.

Doom’s ability to basically remove an enemy from a fight, turning it into a 4v5, is his most staple power, and I tried to emphasize that to the maximum. Devour ensures he can remain ahead of the opposition in farm at all times, and coupled with LVL? Death, punishes underleveled heroes with a swift death. Scorched Earth is much stronger overall, be it for escaping or chasing. Doom does not deal insane amounts of damage at level 6, but still completely removes a target’s ability to contribute to a fight. At level 11, it then starts to become very, very deadly.

Aghanim’s Scepter ensures that Doom can kill even the most resilient targets, and Aghanim’s Soul turns him into a hellish, brutalizing demon of a foe, who can kill an entire team, one by one, if left unchecked. I expect teams to focus Doom very heavily, both to keep his farm down, and to kill him quickly in engagements – and that is also part of Doombringer’s kit, the diversion he creates by simply existing.

What do you think of IMBA Doom, is he a true avatar of the nine hells, or do we need to make him even stronger?

Farewell, Dota warriors! Until next time!

One thought on “IMBA hero concepts: Doombringer

  1. The problem with Level Death aghs upgrade is that it will instakill anyone if Doom gets a rapier. Its basically Necrolyte-ulti on an extremely short cd, without the respawn lengthening. I’m sure there are reasonable counterarguments, but its bit too much I think.


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